Lead Educator / Owner

Denise Mueller, CSW & Certified Sommelier

Contact: PreSommOfficial@gmail.com

IG: @presomm_winecourse

“Our Mission for the PreSomm Wine Course, the PreSomm Course Book, and the PreSomm Maps & Graphics Book: Let us prepare you for a higher level of understanding and enthusiasm for fine wines, wine service, and higher education certifications such as Introductory-level Sommelier or Certified Specialist of Wine!

— -Denise Mueller, CSW, Owner


The PreSomm Course Book is an 9-section book full of wine theory data, beautiful infographics, recommended study topics, links to quiz questions and exam questions, and links to online flash cards! We also have recommended wines to purchase for each section - to further enhance your regional knowledge.

The PreSomm Maps & Graphics Book is designed for wine students, having just enough detail but no unnecessary content, creating a streamlined learning experience. The Maps & Graphics Book being separate from the Course Book allows the students/readers to fully enjoy their PreSomm experience without needing to flip back and forth.

The PreSomm Wine Course provides its students with a higher level of wine theory and wine service, prepares them for job promotions in the hospitality field, and inspires future education certifications such as Introductory-level Sommelier through the Court of Master Sommeliers or Certified Specialist of Wine through Society of Wine Educators.